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Participants Needed: Ovarian Cancer Survivors

You are invited to participate in a study hinged on the experiences of ovarian cancer survivors. The study is looking at ovarian cancer patient preferences and investigating how COVID-19 safety precautions impacted the waiting room environment and patient experience.

To participate, simply complete the 10-to-15-minute online survey. Questions will ask about demographics, confirm ovarian cancer diagnosis, evaluate quality of life, and ask you to rank a series of images based on your preferences. Participants must be diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 18 years of age or older. More detailed information about the research is included at the beginning of the online survey.

To access the survey:
1. Click on the survey link:
2. Enter the survey password: survivor
3. Then click the blue arrow to begin the survey

This study is approved by the Ball State University (BSU) Institutional Review Board (IRB) ["Ovarian Cancer Patient Preferences in the Gynecologic Oncology Clinic Waiting Room During the COVID-19 Pandemic", IRBNet #1680292-1]. The principal investigator is Shireen Kanakri and Mackenzie Symmes is student co-investigator, College of Architecture + Planning at Ball State University.

Thank you for your consideration, please do not hesitate to contact me at if you are interested in learning more about this IRB approved project or have any questions.

Rackel + Shayna of the Advanced Ovarian Cancer Team approved the posting of this survey.

  1. Rackel + Shayna of the Advanced Ovarian Cancer Team approved the posting of this survey.

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