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Outdoors in the sun, a woman does a yoga pose with a happy expression

Tips for Starting (and Sticking to) an Exercise Routine

Improving your physical fitness has a host of benefits, regardless of whether you have cancer. Walking, swimming, biking, dancing, jogging, or skiing can help you manage many of the physical side effects of cancer treatments, such as fatigue or lymphedema. It can also reduce your risk of depression, improve your balance and sleep, and prevent weight gain.1

However, if you do not already have exercise built into your life, it may seem hard to get started. Here are some tips for building and maintaining a regular exercise routine.

Check with your doctor first

It is important to talk with your doctor about your plans for exercise before, during, and after cancer treatment. While studies show that exercise is safe during many different types of cancer treatment, what you can or should do may depend on:1

  • Your type of cancer
  • Treatments you are receiving
  • Side effects you may have
  • Your overall fitness level
  • Other health problems

Keep in mind that if you were physically fit before cancer treatment, you may need to change your exercise routine. It will take time to return to your pre-cancer fitness. Your doctor may be able to recommend a professional who is experienced in helping people with cancer maintain or build their fitness.

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You may also find help with LIVESTRONG at the YMCA. It offers a 12-week exercise program designed especially for people who are living with and beyond cancer.1

Keep fitness interesting

For long-term success, it is important to keep your exercise routine fun, interesting and focused on activities you enjoy. You will need to include 4 types of exercise into your fitness routine:1

  • Strength training to build muscle strength and reduce fatigue
  • Stretching to improve your flexibility, blood flow, and reduce stiffness
  • Balance exercises to help you stay mobile and prevent falls
  • Breathing exercises to improve breathing and reduce stress
  • Aerobic exercise to strengthen your heart and lungs

A weekly mix of strength training, flexibility training, and aerobic activity could involve walking, lifting weights, and a yoga class. Another week might include gardening, swimming, and some online stretching videos. If you get bored with walking, you can take a bike ride or go dancing.

If you cannot afford a gym membership or fitness classes, look online for free videos for yoga, stretching, weight training, fitness walking, and more. You may also need to vary your routine as the weather changes. For example, you may need to find a place to walk indoors if it gets too cold, too wet, or too hot outside.

Start with small, easy steps

Most doctors recommend you aim for at least 150 minutes (2 and a half hours) of aerobic, stretching, and weight training activity each week. Spread across 7 days, that is 21 to 22 minutes of activity each day. Again, your doctor may suggest less activity for you, depending on your current situation.1,2

However, if you rarely get any exercise, you will need to start by making small changes. Little changes will be easier to stick with and build upon in the long term. Try setting weekly goals that are easy to accomplish. This will make you feel successful and more likely to continue on your fitness journey. Some ideas small changes include:3

  • Go outside for a 5-minute walk.
  • Make an extra lap around a store.
  • Park farther from the front of a store.
  • Lift 1-pound weights - many canned foods come in 1-lb cans.
  • If you have been sitting for 30 minutes, get up and stand or walk around for 2 minutes.

Other tips to make your exercise routine a success during your cancer journey are:1

  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
  • Keep safe. If your immune system is weak, avoid gyms where germs spread easily.
  • Watch your diet. Ask an oncology dietitian about ways to get enough protein after your workouts.
  • Pay attention to your body. Don't push yourself to do everything you once did. If you are feeling tired, adjust how long or intense your exercise routine is.

Make it easy to get fit

Remember, it takes time to build new habits. Give yourself time to build strength and reward yourself for progress. And if you stop exercising for a while, do not get discouraged. Just get started again. Try these tips to make it easier:3

  • Exercise at the same time every day so that it is a regular part of your day.
  • Find a friend to exercise with.
  • Do not exercise right after a meal or when it is too hot or humid.
  • Listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks to keep yourself entertained.
  • Always wear shoes that are supportive and protect your feet. You will not want to keep at it if your feet are sore or blistered.
  • Ask your doctor if your insurance will pay for a physical therapist to design a workout program just for you.

Finally, keep a record of your physical activity, so you can measure your progress. You can use pen and paper or a fitness app on your phone. A year from now, you will be amazed at how far you have come.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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